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Musica Eurodance

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Musica Eurodance Empty Musica Eurodance

Mensaje por Sportacus Vie Mar 05, 2010 3:20 pm

Quien encanta Eurodance?
Yo encanto Modern Talking: You're my heart, you're my soul, yeah I feel that our love will grow. Guitarra imaginaria
La canción de los Euroband: This is my life! I don't wanna change!
Los Santamaria: Não posso estar sem ti ao meu lado.
Los Waldo's People: I don't wanna lose control, but now, I'm falling... Falling down!
DJ Bobo: Vampires are alive, the legends have to survive.
Corona: This is the rhythm of the night, the night, oh yeah, the rhythm of the night.
Rednex, Scatman John, Alcazar, etc.

Y usted?

P.S.: Yo lo se, yo deberia ter hablado espanõl. :-$

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